February 9, 2023

Why Does Branding Matter in Tourism?

What is a brand, how is it used, and more importantly, how can it help a tourism organization accomplish its goals? Learn from an expert who has built his career helping businesses make smart decisions and do more of what they love through the power of great branding.
Write your awesome label here.

Lesson Overview

Learn how — beyond the buzzwords — tourism businesses can build their brand in a way that helps them do more of what they love.

 What you'll learn

  • How to get your brand working for you
  • The best ways to start working with a designer or an agency
  • What many tourism brands get wrong when building their brands
  • Common mistakes that tourism brands make with their branding

 Created for:

  • Marketing managers
  • Social media managers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Website designers

Lesson Content

Meet Our guest Speaker

Matt Douglas
Co-founder and Managing Partner, Mammoth Agency

Matt has spent the past 16 years engaged in business development and marketing across Canada and now in the Yukon. As a point of pride and knowledge that the best way to know a business is to get your hands dirty, Matt takes time with each client to learn how their business runs, so as to find any opportunity for growth and strengthening of their brand.
Patrick Jones - Course author