March 17, 2023

Making Sense of Social

With all of the new features, algorithm changes, and updates that have happened recently, it can be harder than ever for businesses to figure out how they can take advantage of social media.

In this lesson you’ll learn how tourism businesses select the right channel, how often they should be posting, and the best content formats to accomplish business goals.
Write your awesome label here.

Lesson Overview

How the most effective tourism businesses today select their social channels, plan their content, and make the most of their limited resources

 What you'll learn

  • Tips to select the right social channel
  • What a lot of brands get wrong when it comes to social media
  • TikTok for tourism businesses
  • Getting started with social media strategy

 Created for:

  • Small business owners
  • Content creators
  • Social media coordinators
  • Marketing managers

Lesson Content

Meet Our guest Speaker

Katt Stearns
Owner, Katt Stearns Consulting

Katt has worked with numerous organizations over the years, helping them to identify the correct social media and digital marketing strategies that help them to achieve their business goals. She believes that businesses shouldn’t be on social media just to say that they are — your social media should serve a purpose.
Some of the organizations she’s worked with include: Landmark Living, Destination BC, Thomson Rivers University, BC Hydro and Fortis BC’s Energy Management Team; The Crystal Gala Foundation; Artisan Custom Log Homes; Fly and Sea Travel; and Boulevard Group.
Patrick Jones - Course author