May 26, 2022

How to Measure Your Tourism Marketing

The famous old marketing quote goes: "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.

Fortunately for us, we have the opportunity to measure not only what's working, but where our guests are coming from and what their favourite content is. The challenge for most businesses is that there is so much data that it can be difficult to know what's most important.

In this session, you'll learn from a digital analytics professional about how small businesses are measuring their marketing effectively, and how you can streamline your efforts to make the whole process painless.
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Meet our guest speaker

Laury Brousseau
Product Specialist, DashThis

After years of travelling and a stint in the mountains of British Columbia, Laury got back home in Quebec, Canada in 2017 where she found her dream job at DashThis, a reporting solution that creates automated marketing reports in the blink of an eye.

Over the last 5 years, as an Account Manager, Laury has helped digital marketers from different business types face their reporting challenges. According to Laury, "Having a portrait of your performance across all your marketing channels is necessary if you want to work efficiently, but making this process as simple as possible is the key to success!"
Patrick Jones - Course author