June 2, 2023

Create Email Campaigns that Your Guests Will Love

Email is the direct way to connect and communicate with our communities, but few travel brands are taking advantage. Some believe it will take too much time, others are concerned about oversharing with their guests. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily create emails that people will thank you for, including content ideas and step-by-step guidance on how to build a design that you’ll be proud to send.

Bonus: We’ll share performance benchmarks for open rates and click-through rates, finally answering the question: How does my campaign compare to the rest of the industry?
Write your awesome label here.

Lesson Overview

How Tourism brands can use email marketing

 What you'll learn

  • Designing emails that get clicks
  • 3 (and a half) categories of content to get started
  • Writing subject lines that get opens
  • Designing emails that get clicks
  • How often is too often to send emails?

 Created for:

  • Marketing managers
  • Digital marketers
  • Business owners
  • Content creators

Lesson Content

Meet your Instructor

Conner Galway
President, Junction Consulting; eLearningU

Conner Galway founded the digital business consulting firm Junction, based out of Vancouver BC. There, he leads a team that conducts research, builds strategy and consults with organizations that are looking to capitalize on digital opportunities. Conner is an advisor to tourism businesses, leads training for Destination BC and publishes a weekly newsletter called The Brief that is read by executives at many top North American brands. Some of Conner’s current clients include lululemon, Travel Northern BC, and Mexico’s largest resort group: Grupo Vidanta.
Patrick Jones - Course author