January 16, 2022

Planning and Unplanning: Content Creation in the Age of Reactive Marketing

We all know that we should be planning our content weeks, or even months ahead of time, but at a time when everything can (and does) change from day to day, what use are plans?

We discuss the role of content calendars and how they can actually make it easier to be creative and flexible while staying on track with our goals.

This session includes live examples from the past year to show how tourism brands can get the benefits of planning, while allowing themselves the freedom and creativity that is necessary to react when things turn out differently than we had expected.
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Meet our guest speaker

Jonny Bierman
Founder, Eco Escape Travel

Jonny is the founder of values-based destination marketing firm Eco Escape Travel and a sustainable travel journalist, content creator, and photographer.

Based in Vancouver, Jonny works with destinations big and small on values-aligned marketing initiatives such as the recent the Destination Canada LGBT tourism campaign and strategy and Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association's responsible travel campaign. Jonny uses his purpose-driven travel journalism to explain the importance of sustainability, Indigenous tourism, regenerative travel, and tourism's important connection to stewardship and conservation.

He is published in Conde Nast Traveler, Lonely Planet, Fodor's Travel, Matador Network, Readers Digest, and GoPro.
Patrick Jones - Course author