December 2, 2021

The Best Free Social Media Tools for Tourism

We're in an amazing time for marketing - tools are popping up every day to help us to create better content, schedule, monitor and engage with our audiences.However, with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to select the right ones for the job.In this lesson, Deanna Wampler cut through the noise to share the specific tools that she's been using in her work building one of North America's most powerful indigenous tourism brands, and the ones she's been recommending to her clients.Overview
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Meet our guest speaker

Deanna Wampler
Content + Social Media Manager, Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC)

If it's a social media strategy fueled by community and meaningful connections you're seeking, Deanna's the go-to.

Between her strategic work in the digital space at Indigenous Tourism British Columbia (ITBC) and in her 1:1 social media strategy coaching + consulting, she's an advocate for businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs having the technical skills and understanding to max­i­mize their business's online pres­ence and impact, helping them grow their brand awareness and dri­ve sales. And, in their finding the fun in the digital world.

At ITBC, she leads the charge in storytelling about the province's rich Indigenous past and present, creating a future of empowered Indigenous economies and informed tourists who feel more connected to the roots of the province as they experience it through travel.
Patrick Jones - Course author